Someone is coming to look at my house today. Though it saddens me that one day I'll be leaving my home behind, I feel as if I have to get out of this God forsaken place. Am I even alive anymore? Are you there? I'm fadin' fast!!!!! My best friend said, maybe we need to be praying a little more specific. And she's right. But honestly I don't know the specifics. Part of me wants to move back to Midland to be close to my family. It breaks my heart when I have to get off the phone with my neice and nephew. It breaks my heart when my mother tells me that Ryan is asking for Aunt Liberty.

But my logical side wonders if that's enough. And if so will I do well as a massage therapist in an area like Midland? I don't see too many spa and salons around there, and even fewer (okay so not a one!!!) resorts. I know money isn't everything. Happiness and family can sometimes make up for that. But how do you know what's right and what's not? I feel like I've prayed and prayed and prayed and .... okay you get the picture. But I'm hearing nothing. Am I not hearing anything or have I already gotten the answer? This ADHD brain of mine can't figure that out right now.
only time will tell hahahahahahha
love julie
Cute Kids :)
The little girl kinda looks like you.
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