Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What to Do?

I'm beginning to wonder if I should have named my blog "Stuck in Hell....Struggling to Break Free" instead of "American Woman Breaking Free". As I read my past few blogs I realize I'm chronically negative and I don't like it. The past few days I've prayed fervently asking God to give me peace. I've prayed asking God to give me direction. I've prayed asking God to help me live each day as it comes instead of worrying or wondering about tomorrow. But it seems each day it gets tougher to walk that out. I don't really know what I'm really trying to say here. I guess I just feel I'm at my breaking point. I'm beginning to understand why people run away from their lives and leave everything behind. Don't worry. I'm too sensible to do such...but it's definitely tempting.

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