Monday, September 22, 2008

7 days....

What if you only had 7 days to live? More importantly...what if Jesus was coming back in seven days? Would you change anything? Would you say that "thing" you've been wanting to say to someone for months now? Would you pray more? Would you read your Bible more? Would you shout out on the rooftops for everyone to get their lives right with God because He is sending His Son back? Would you be content with where you are?

My mother's pastor posed this question to the congregation yesterday at church...What if Jesus was coming back next Sunday? It really puts a kind of urgency in you doesn't it? I found it pretty interesting and started thinking about it quite a bit myself...What would I do differently? I guess I'd spend more time in prayer. I mean I'm just going to be honest here...I know that I know that I know that God is the Lord of my life. I know He is my Savior. But when this question comes to my mind...I guess I just want to make sure...I want to make sure that there is NOTHING...absoultely nothing that would separate me from the Father. I can't say I've lead the best example in the world because I haven't. I have many faults. I have many flaws. I have many shortcomings. And I fall regularly, sometimes more than once a day. But I do know that I'm forgiven. I do know that there is NOTHING I can do to make myself worthy of God's salvation. I've just accepted Him and His grace and decided to walk with Him. Sometimes I go astray. Sometimes I fall down. Sometimes I run ahead. But always He brings me back to His side. And in that I think I realize that God doesn't expect perfection. He only desires our acceptance of His love. And with that said, secondly...I'd want to reach out more to those people that God has put in my path that don't know Him. The interesting thing is, the past couple of weeks those people that I thought were so unreachable...God seems to be reaching. I can't take any credit for this at all. Quite the opposite. But those that have been unreachable are beginning to allow their eyes to be open to the love of God. And now, even more, it makes me want to say to them..."Okay, so God is doing something in you....what are you going to do about it?" The time is now. Personally, I'm not one that belives in pressuring people into salvation. I feel I can only live my life and allow God to touch them through me....and even through my mistakes. The fact is, God doesn't NEED MY HELP! But those people that I know He has been working makes me want to say....Okay....are you ready? If not, lets get ready. If so....THANK GOD!

So what about you? What if Jesus were coming back in seven days? Would you do anything different? People out in the cyber world that I know and those I don't....I'm here if you need a helping hand. Feel free to contact me. We never know the day or time that God will send Jesus to take us home, but shouldn't we be ready just in case it's in seven days?

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