Monday, March 10, 2008

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Why am I going to school you ask? I have no idea. I guess in the beginning it was to help me get acceptted into the dental hygiene program. And now, I'm not even sure thats what I REALLY want to do. It does sound better than massaging dirty old men all day (that's an exaggeration really), but is it much better. Really?!?! Looking in someone's mouth all day long...Ohhhh, FUN! Where can I sign up? So when I put it to myself that way it doesn't look so appealling afterall. What I do know is, I'm getting tired of massaging. Sure the money is more than great. I do meet a few interesting people from time to time, but my body is crying for help....LOL I really wonder how some people have done this for years on end.

So now I'm just wondering....what is it that I want to do? What am I spending all this time and energy on school for? I'm one of those people that is interested in a lot of different things, just only for a short time - then it fades away. VERY QUICKLY! I love alot of things. Singing, photography, shopping (yes that can be a profession), decorating, travelling - but really none of it really sounds like I want do that so bad I just can't stand it. I want to design every person's home I see. I want to travel the world and educate others about the culture. I want to sing until I can't sing anymore. I want to shop until I just drop. I want to take shots of every moment in time. YES.....I want it all ---- FOR NOW!!! LOL Tomorrow it might be something new.

I admire those people that can work the same job for 20, 30 years and be okay with it. HOW DO THEY DO IT????? I mean I feel like every two years or so I have to leave the place I'm working at just so I don't lose my mind.

I don't know where I'm going with this really. I just I'm just trying to vent so I can stay with my job a little while longer. At least until I can find another that I can make the same amount of money if not more. :o)

I guess there just has to be balance. A little life, a little liberty, and a little happiness makes your world come full circle.