Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Have you ever wondered if this is all life has for you? I truly believe life is what you make of it. Sometimes that seems easier said than done though. For example, right now I feel like I'd like to be as free as a bird - just leave everything behind and travel until my heart is content. Go to England, back to France, travel Italy, soak up as much excitement as possible. BUT, I have a house, a best friend I wouldn't want to leave behind, a job, and two precious puppies that are my pride and joy. So, what does this mean? What is my solution? I have no clue!!!! I ask God day by day, what is it you have in store for me, and day by day I hear nothing. And in hearing nothing as clear as anyone needs, I hear, be still - and know I am God. I know the plans I have for you - Plans to prosper and not to harm you - plans to give you a hope and a future.

So yes, life is what we make of it, but it is also timing. Obviously there are things God has in store for me here, despite the current lack of clarity. So for now, I will be still. I will know that God is God no matter what the situation. He knows what HE has in store for me. He sees the big picture when I see only the landscape.

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