Monday, July 14, 2008

My Eyes Are Bleeding

The past two weeks I've read four books. For those of you that read a book a night...shut up! Some of us have lives! Anyway....with this said, my eyes are bleeding and I think I need to take a break. I don't want to. You see I have this insanely obsessive personailty that when I start to do something and start to enjoy I just obsess over it. Right now its reading. I stay up until all hours of the night reading - devouring every word. Then I wake up just a tad bit early so I can read before I have to get up (not to mention obsess over what's happening while I'm sleeping!!!). Then I may or may not take my book to work and read in between clients while I'm changing my sheets. YES! I know! I'm insane! Once I'm home I casually walk in say a few words to my best friend - acting as if everything is calm in my head - and then go straight back to reading, trying not to trip over the piano on my way to my bedroom. Its as if its a drug. Once I read that first word - its just utter bliss. I'm high as a freakin' kite again. Why did it have to be reading? I mean why couldn't it have been working out or something. I really could stand to lose a ... few ... pounds. But it isn't. It's reading and my eyes are bleeding. So I think I'm going to try to not read tonight. I don't know though. I just started a new book and well I think it already has me under its spell. Wish me and my eyes luck!!! I'm gonna need it. (And, NO! I don't need to see a doctor so keep your suggestions to yourself!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should write your own book