Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Head Up Young Person

But you are a shield around me, O LORD; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head.

— Psalm 3:3 (NIV)

The past few weeks have been trying.  And with this new year finally here I'd like to say that it has all of a sudden become easier.  However - it has not.  Naturally we face things in life that try to bog us down, but our Lord is ever present, always reminding us  - He is there.  He is walking with us.  He is holding up His Shield to protect us from the jabs of the enemy.  And He does lift up our heads. 

I'm reminded of David and what he must have been thinking when he was being faced with the ugly truth that the king he trusted, no longer trusted him.  But instead Saul wanted David dead.  Wow.  How many times have we been faced with situations where someone we trusted turned on us?  Or a moment when you thought things were going one way but you quickly realized - they were actually going in the opposite direction?  How how about when you have felt like the whole world was against you?

Again, our Lord is ever present.  He is near.  And He is always protecting us.  Did you ever stop to think - though you are going through THIS trial, He has actually been protecting you from OTHER trials that could have taken you to your breaking point?  He always has our best interest at heart.  And though its difficult to take in, what He allows us to go through is to make us better men and women of God.  He loves us enough to make us more like Him.

So with that said - Head up young person!  He is your Shield.  He has bestowed you with His glory (WOW....what an honor).  And He has lifted up your head.  Don't insult Him by putting it back down.

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